confess to do还是doing


confess to doing sth.1.Confess to sth./doing sth.向某人承认/承认做了某事;2.Confess to confess to sth/doing sth、confession承认、坦白、忏悔;3.Confess to doing sth.承认,坦白,忏悔。


confess to doing sth供认;承认

confess to doing sth.v.供认,承认

cannot resist doing sth忍不住…,不禁…

employ oneself doing sth从事于,忙于,致力于…

get round to doing sth花时间做某事,顾得上做某事

have trouble doing sth做某事有困难

imagine sb doing sth想象某人在做某事

keep on(doing sth.)继续(做某事)

finish doing sth phr.完成某事

be displeased with sb for doing sth因(某人)做(某事)而对他生气
