


  31, sanguine 32, tendency 33, positive 34, outlook 35, anxiety

  31, sanguine: (1) 血红的

  (2) adj 乐观的 = optimistic

  Sanguine attitude toward life.

  32, tend: v tend to do 倾向于 ,有可能做 ,容易

  Females tend to be moved by love affair movies

  Tendency: n 倾向,趋势

  Trend : n 倾向,趋势

  33 positive attitude

  34, outlook: (1) v/n 展望, 前景

  The optimists tend to view positive outlooks for the coming ages

  35, anxious: (1) adj 担心的,焦虑的

  Be anxious about sth

  (2) adj渴望的 be anxious for

  I am anxious for knowledge and freedom/ liberty

  The Lady of Liberty /

  Anxiety: (1) n 担心 (2) 渴望

  36, heart disease 37, attitude 38, author 39, cause 40, analyst

  36, heart disease: 心脏病 heart disease attacks him frequently

  37, attitude: optimistic attitude toward life

  38, author: n 作者 the author contributed all his income to charity( 慈善)

  Authority: n 当局,权利机构

  The school authority prohibited swimming in summer without adult’s company

  The authority

  39, cause : (1) n 原因 because

  (2) v 导致

  His carelessness caused his failure

  (3) n 事业

  We shall put forward the cause of construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics

  40, analyze : v 分析 analyze the current situation and find out a solution

  Analytical: adj 分析的 analytical capability/ competence

  Analyst: n 分析师,分析家,分析人士 The securities analysts’ ideas tend to mislead ordinary people in china


  2014GCT工程硕士考研已进入冲刺阶段,比网校在线小编整理了2014GCT工程硕士考研历年真题超高频英语词汇,希望GCT考生着重记忆,争取英语考出好的成绩。   31, sanguine 32, tendency 33, positive 34, outlook 35, anxiety   31, sanguine: (1) 血红的   (2) adj 乐观的 = optimistic   Sanguine attitude toward life.   32, tend: v tend to do 倾向于 ,有可能做 ,容易   Females tend to be moved by love affair movies   Tendency: n 倾向,趋势   Trend : n 倾向,趋势   33 positive attitude   34, outlook: (1) v/n 展望, 前景   The optimists tend to view positive outlooks for the coming ages   35, anxious: (1) adj 担心的,焦虑的   Be anxious about sth   (2) adj渴望的 be anxious for   I am anxious for knowledge and freedom/ liberty   The Lady of Liberty /   Anxiety: (1) n 担心 (2) 渴望   36, heart disease 37, attitude 38, author 39, cause 40, analyst   36, heart disease: 心脏病 heart disease attacks him frequently   37, attitude: optimistic attitude toward life   38, author: n 作者 the author contributed all his income to charity( 慈善)   Authority: n 当局,权利机构   The school authority prohibited swimming in summer without adult’s company   The authority   39, cause : (1) n 原因 because   (2) v 导致   His carelessness caused his failure   (3) n 事业   We shall put forward the cause of construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics   40, analyze : v 分析 analyze the current situation and find out a solution   Analytical: adj 分析的 analytical capability/ competence   Analyst: n 分析师,分析家,分析人士 The securities analysts’ ideas tend to mislead ordinary people in china

