托福写作素材:小说Jody Rolled the bones


  托福写作素材:小说Jody Rolled the bones


  在这篇短篇小说集当中有一个故事叫做 Jody Rolled the bones, 这个故事主要讲了 一个传统的排长 ( seargean Reece)把当兵看作是一件严肃的事情,他的顽固还有死板 (Reece’s stern, demanding creed)一开始为士兵所排斥,后来逐渐受到大家的尊敬并且接受。然而在他被调走之后,新来的排长非常人情练达,非常机灵 ( being smart) 并且逐步受到的大家的热爱)。

  这篇小说当中的两个领导者的类型就可以和一道机经题目结合起来:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristics for a politician or leader is good communication ability.

  很明显 上面这两个排长 后者印证了 communication ability 的重要性,前者提出了 对于领导者来说另一个比较重要的品质 也就是 one’s attention to strict discipline 这一点我们就可以用 这篇故事里面 Reece 关注 分配水的认真 来作证:

  This point can be exemplified by the main character from Jody Rolled the Stones. He took everything exceptionally strictly even in terms of a simple issue such as rationing the water. Despite soldiers’ thirstiness during sweltering summer, the water was transported from a spring miles away. In this case, how to ensure each soldier have enough supply of fresh water became an issue. To solve this problem Recee held all the water into a huge barrel while only providing half a canteenful at a time that was enough for each person. Therefore, no matter how thirsty a soldier was, he had to wait for the rationing hours for his water to come.


  第二个故事的名字叫做 A Wrestler with Shark 这个故事讲了一个 不得志的作家 Sobel 接受了一份工作,在一家杂志社工作, 报酬非常低,但是他还是非常努力的工作,以报社为家,可惜,sobel 的才华并没有得到赏识, sobel 最终离开报社 他说过 人生在世,要不让做个凶狠的鲨鱼,要不然做鲨鱼的猎物, 为什么不能勇敢的和鲨鱼搏斗一番?”

  那么这道题目我们就可以很好的带入到题目 Some people have ambitious dreams and keep following them, but other people always focus on realistic goals and try to achieve them. Which do you think is better? Why?

  通过分析这道题目,我们看到 sobel 就是题目当中 那些与远大目标的人,通过坚持自己的目标sobel 获得了内心的满足:

  Take the main character in A Wrestler with Shark. Sobel. Despite his failure to win public recognition, Sobel is still full of confidence of himself. He was so devoted to writing that nothing could stop him from expressing what he believes to be true. His insistence on his seemingly lofty dream inspires him to neglect the most adverse situation where neither his family members nor his co workers show any support to him. It is clear to say that courage always comes along with grand dreams.

  由此可见,大家 在平时一定要扩大积累和输入, 并且 在阅读的过程中多去思考,如何把读过的材料和题目产生联想。希望大家可以在考试中取得一个好成绩。






