


  今天我将用English Digest杂志中的节选段落为大家解析与“城市”有关的托福写作题目

  题目是:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rapid growth of cities can be seen as a positive development of the society.



  目前城市化的代表城市有什么优势和劣势?进而,把优缺点都列举一些再决定是否写positive development,也许从交通,医疗,娱乐,环境,公平,房价等方面我们已经能确定下来自己的文章倾向性,但是我还是非常建议大家看看我节选的如下段落,以外国期刊的视角去思考问题和积累素材与表达法

  As cities grow, perhaps our most serious concern should be how they expand out into the surrounding countryside.扩展到周边村落 Contrary to popular belief, over the past century urban settlements have not only expanded demographically人口的, they have also sprawled outwards向外扩展-covering some of the world's most valuable farmland in the process.

  1.expand out into the surrounding countryside.扩展到周边村落;sprawled outwards向外扩展

  2.Contrary to popular belief, 后加一句完整的句子表达一个小众的想法:Contrary to popular belief, practice does not always make perfect.

  3.covering some of the world's most valuable farmland in the process 这半句点明了城市快速扩展的坏处之一就是占用了有价值的农用地,换句话说就是粮食产量会受损,饥饿问题严重化。

  If the urban population城市人口 and long-term de-densification长期人口密度下降 trends continue, the area of the planet covered by urban settlements will increase to more than 3 million sq km by 2050. And since the most intensively cultivated集约化的 farmland is typically located near where the bulk of the food is consumed, much of this additional 2million sq km is currently our most productive高产的 farmland.


  A key determinant of rampant泛滥的 urban sprawl-especially in North America, where it is a particularly serious problem -has been the existence of cheap oil. When oil prices reached record highs历史最高点 in 2008 and exacerbated加速 the global economic crisis, the people who travelled furthest tended to be the first to default on违约;不偿还债务 their mortgage payments.


  我们现在回归最初的托福独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rapid growth of cities can be seen as a positive development of the society.

  比如,你想支持的是城市扩大的消极影响较多,分论点和展开可以是:To begin with, the rapid growth of urban may suffer people from financial difficulties. Similar to the situation people encountered in 2008, when old price reached record highs and exacerbated the global economic crisis, the people who travelled furthest tended to be the first to default on their mortgage payments, the extended urban forces people to commute long distances every day, which undoubtedly increases their living costs. Therefore, if the demand for oil inclines someday, so does the price, those with great oil consumption will be firstly get into financial trouble, and obviously, more than a few will be affected.


  As their fuel expenses for traveling to work and school rocketed, their capacity to afford urban sprawl drastically diminished. Visiting Detroit a few weeks ago, I found that of the city's 300,000 buildings, 70,000 currently stand empty-and mostly derelict.

  Visiting Detroit a few weeks ago, I found that of the city's 300,000 buildings, 70,000 currently stand empty-and mostly derelict. 在这句中,状语从句简化成了现在分词的形式,结构:Doing, SVO. 需要注意的是visiting的施动者是I 原来的状语从句是:When I visited Detroit a few weeks ago, I found that of the city's 300,000 buildings, 70,000 currently stand empty-and mostly derelict.

  From the 1960s onwards, the city built more and more ring roads to suburbanize郊区化 the middle and upper classes into the surrounding countryside and in the process that bankrupted Detroit's urban core, leaving it unable to manage the economic impact of the closure of its once-giant car factories.划线部分是doing的结构,表示前一主句带来的影响,是状语部分,可翻译为:从上世纪60年代起,这最城市修建了越来越多的环路,以实现郊区化,使中上阶层向周边的乡村地区迁移,但这一过程也彻底破坏了底特律的城市核心,令其无法应对昔日规模巨大的汽车工厂倒闭所造成的经济冲击。







