

  本文托福综合写作题目为美国是否应建设太阳能道路(2016年12 月17日上午托福考试写作)

托福综合写作Topic 议题:whether solar road should be constructed in America
  Reading Listening
Sub-point 1
First, the road is flat not tilted, which means it cannot reflect    much sunlight. There is experiment indicating that the flat surface in fact can    absorb more energy. Because in cloudy days, the sunlight will be reflected to    different directions, flat road can reflect more.
Second, the glass used in constructing the solar road are easy to    break, the broken pieces of which will jeopardize the car passing by. In    addition, it will be very slippery in rain day. The problem can be solved by using a type of glass that is rough in    surface and hard.
Sub-point 3
Third, solar road cost too much, so it is not worthwhile. In the long term, it is worth doing for the energy obtained from the    solar road will be adequate for the country itself and may be sold some to    other countries to get revenue which can be cover the original cost.

  托福综合写作范文Sample answer:

  The writer and the speaker have a debate on whether solar road should be constructed in America. The reading thinks it is not feasible, which are opposed by the following lecture.

  First, the writer claims that the road is flat not tilted, which means it cannot reflect much sunlight. While the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle, according to him, there is experiment indicating that the flat surface in fact can absorb more energy. Because in cloudy days, the sunlight will be reflected to different directions, flat road can reflect more.

  Second, the passage states that the glass used in constructing the solar road are easy to break, the broken pieces of which will jeopardize the car passing by. In addition, it will be very slippery in rain day. However, the speaker casts doubt on this opinion by saying that the problem can be solved by using a type of glass that is rough in surface and hard.

  Last, the writer argues that solar road cost too much, so it is not worthwhile. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, this claim does not hold water. In the long term, it is worth doing for the energy obtained from the solar road will be adequate for the country itself and may be sold some to other countries to get revenue which can be cover the original cost.





