


  今天阅读三篇文章Glacier Effects(冰川的影响),The Sistine Ceiling(西斯廷教堂壁顶绘画),和Explaining the Collapse of Early Bronze Age Societies(解释早期青铜时代社会的衰落,又是一套新题,难度明显高于昨天上午场。关于三篇文章的详细内容梳理和串讲,参看文末附录的文章思维框架图。现就考生反映难度最大的一篇文章The Sistine Ceiling做难点解析与分享。



  The use of plaster relatively low in lime, which dries more slowly, bought him some extra time, but it is clear that Michelangelo painted each giomata extremely quickly—rarely, if ever, resorting to finishing a section with touch-up paint containing binder.

  解析:短短一句话里,充斥着大量的生词和地道表达。plaster灰泥,lime石灰,bought him some extra time地道的表达,生动形象,不言自明,giomata每天的工作,“rarely, if ever”,地道的表达,表示“很少,几乎没有发生,如果有发生的话就那么曾经一次”,“resorting to”求助/凭借…,touch-up paint补色,binder粘合剂。


  I thought it is precisely these candles that over three centuries have blackened these splendid frescoes; this is the incense that has not only with its smoke covered over the sun itself of art, but with every year continues to dirty it and will finally engulf it in darkness.



  Despite his initial hesitation, Michelangelo followed the purest fresco tradition of the time, applying his pigments mixed in water directly to fresh lime plaster and choosing only those that are chemically compatible, avoiding azurite, vermilion, and lead-based colors, all of which deteriorate under the alkaline conditions of the lime.

  解析:生词量大,且句式结构复杂(all of which)。这句话留给大家自行阅读。


  Deposits of salt from rainwater let in by the leaking roof and from within the building materials themselves compounded the decline, leading to blistering of the paint.

  解析:句子虽短,但词汇量大,句式复杂(主语后面紧跟过去分词引发的修饰语,极易被干扰当成谓语,而且修饰语中又有并列“and from within…”与前面的“from…”共同并列修饰名词“deposits of salt”)。


  Restorers often cast themselves in the role of interpreting the original artist’s intent, using modern materials to override the effects of time. (讽刺语气,读出来了吗) However, some critics believe that aging is part of the natural evolution of art and, therefore, new is not necessarliy better.

  解析:掐词用语老道(override the effects of time),且有内容的思辨性。
