一个诚实的领袖 -->会言而有信体现真诚(具体来说,一个诚实的人看重道德&严格守法不会贪污)-->从而让民众觉得他值得信赖-->从民众中获得的支持非常重要-->因为政客在管理和推行政策中发挥重要作用
Animportant quality of a good politician is honesty. As we all know, a faithful politicianwill give high regard for(看重) morality and be highly law-abiding(守法的) without no tendency tocorrupt so that he will display sincerity and practice what he preaches(践行所宣扬的). In other words, he makespromises and keeps those promises. As a result, the public will form the beliefthat the statesman is trustworthy and reliable(可信可靠).The support from the general public plays a positive role in implementingthousands of important laws and policies(推行法律和政策)to their communities and country. By contrast, a dishonest person is likely to steal taxpayers’ money(偷纳税人的钱)instead of serving people, which is definitely a disaster for the wholecountry.
The most important quality in choosing the leader of a school organization or club is honesty.